1801 L Street NW, Washington, DC.
Event Summary
Department of Treasury Vendor outreach sessions (VOS) are pre-arranged 15-minute appointments with Small business specialists. These sessions provide the small business community an opportunity to discuss their capabilities and learn of potential procurement opportunities. Registration is required to attend most events.
The following Agencies/Bureaus are taking appointments on this date:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade (TTB)
Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS)
Departmental Offices (DO) - OSDBU
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
US Mint
Who Can Attend
Companies with the following socio-economic categories are invited to attend:8A, SB, VOSB, HUBZONE, SDB, WOSB, LB, SDVOSB
How to Register
Registration: https://sbecs.treas.gov/Events.aspx
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