Innovation with the GSA 18F Program by Admin


What is 18F?

They are federal employees that partner with other federal agencies to build, buy, and share digital services. With help from 18F, agencies have moved paper processes online, increased data access, saved millions on cloud hosting, and implemented new acquisition techniques. They are a remote-first team with offices in DC, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, and have teammates working all over the country.

What the 18F Program Does

18F partners with civilian and military federal agencies to help them build or buy exceptional digital services. 18F works with partners that have federal funding, and, as a cost recoverable office, they are required to charge the customer agency for the work. 18F also offers procurement services to state and local governments with access to federal funds.

How the 18F program works

Path Analysis

Each engagement starts at the path analysis phase…Asking the right questions, solving the right problems. Each Path Analysis is customized to the needs of an agency, with the goal of moving you from identifying a problem to working on a solution. With a Path Analysis, we’ll develop an action-oriented analysis of routes to pursue, places to narrow the project’s scope, and the best ways to deliver value to your users. The initial phase is completed by a team of two to four people and lasts 8 -10 weeks. Cost to the agency is around 195K.

Experiment & Iterate

Once the 18F and Agency team has completed a Path Analysis, they experiment and iterate on a solution to your problem. An 18F team works shoulder-to-shoulder with the Agency team to explore the challenges your users face and develop solutions to those problems. Experiment & Iterate phases focus on building a working product, preparing a procurement package, and can include training your team to take over development. This model allows the agency to stay in control of their budget and remain flexible. Cost to the Agency for this phase can be 750K.

Further Reading and Information

DARPA Science of Artificial Intelligence and Learning for Open-world Novelty (SAIL-ON) by Admin


Science of Artificial Intelligence and Learning for Open-world Novelty (SAIL-ON)

Program Goals and Objective

Current AI systems excel at tasks defined by rigid rules – such as mastering the board games Go and chess with proficiency surpassing world-class human players. However, AI systems aren’t very good at adapting to constantly changing conditions commonly faced by troops in the real world – from reacting to an adversary’s surprise actions, to fluctuating weather, to operating in unfamiliar terrain. For AI systems to effectively partner with humans across a spectrum of military applications, intelligent machines need to graduate from closed-world problem solving within confined boundaries to open-world challenges characterized by fluid and novel situations.

To attempt this leap, DARPA today announced the Science of Artificial Intelligence and Learning for Open-world Novelty (SAIL-ON) program. SAIL-ON intends to research and develop the underlying scientific principles and general engineering techniques and algorithms needed to create AI systems that act appropriately and effectively in novel situations that occur in open worlds. The program’s goals are to develop scientific principles to quantify and characterize novelty in open-world domains, create AI systems that react to novelty in those domains, and to demonstrate and evaluate these systems in a selected DoD domain

SAIL-ON intends to research and develop the underlying scientific principles and general engineering techniques and algorithms needed to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems that act appropriately and effectively in novel situations which occur in open worlds - a key characteristic of potential military applications of AI.  Specifically, the program will aim to:  (1) develop scientific principles to quantify and characterize novelty in open world domains; (2) create AI systems that act appropriately and effectively in open world domains; and (3) demonstrate and evaluate these systems in a selected DoD domain.

The anticipated SAIL-ON program will require performers to characterize and quantify types and degrees of novelty in open worlds, to construct software that generates novel situations at distinct levels of a novelty hierarchy in selected domains, and to develop algorithms and systems that are capable of identifying and responding to novelty in multiple open world domains.

“Imagine if the rules for chess were changed mid-game,” said Ted Senator, program manager in DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office. “How would an AI system know if the board had become larger, or if the object of the game was no longer to checkmate your opponent’s king but to capture all his pawns? Or what if rooks could now move like bishops? Would the AI be able to figure out what had changed and be able to adapt to it?”

Existing AI systems become ineffective and are unable to adapt when something significant and unexpected occurs. Unlike people, who recognize new experiences and adjust their behavior accordingly, machines continue to apply outmoded techniques until they are retrained.

Given enough data, machines are able to do statistical reasoning well, such as classifying images for face-recognition, Senator said. Another example is DARPA’s AI push in self-driving cars in the early 2000s, which led to the current revolution in autonomous vehicles. Thanks to massive amounts of data that include rare-event experiences collected from tens of millions of autonomous miles, self-driving technology is coming into its own. But the available data is specific to generally well-defined environments with known rules of the road.

“It wouldn’t be practical to try to generate a similar data set of millions of self-driving miles for military ground systems that travel off-road, in hostile environments and constantly face novel conditions with high stakes, let alone for autonomous military systems operating in the air and on sea,” Senator said. 

If successful, SAIL-ON would teach an AI system how to learn and react appropriately without needing to be retrained on a large data set. The program seeks to lay the technical foundation that would empower machines, regardless of the domain, to go through the military OODA loop process themselves – observe the situation, orient to what they observe, decide the best course of action, and then act. 

“The first thing an AI system has to do is recognize the world has changed. The second thing it needs to do is characterize how the world changed. The third thing it needs to do is adapt its response appropriately,” Senator said. “The fourth thing, once it learns to adapt, is for it to update its model of the world.” 

SAIL-ON will require performers and teams to characterize and quantify types and degrees of novelty in open worlds, to construct software that generates novel situations at distinct levels of a novelty hierarchy in selected domains, and to develop algorithms and systems that are capable of identifying and responding to novelty in multiple open-world domains.

SAIL-ON seeks expertise in multiple subfields of AI, including machine learning, plan recognition, knowledge representation, anomaly detection, fault diagnosis and recovery, probabilistic programming, and others. A Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) solicitation is expected to be posted in the near future and will be available on DARPA’s FedBizOpps page:

More Information and Further Reading

Information about SAIL-ON was taken from DARPA.